Session Start: Wed Apr 25 13:01:38 2001
<Shurakai> Please put your request timer at 20+ minutes, also.. it's customary to either be @, + or serving if you are requesting.
[13:51] <ThunderBird> customary
[13:51] <ThunderBird> what channel are you talking about
[13:52] <Shurakai> generally in any serving channel
[13:52] <Shurakai> a timed request is usually done by people w/ fservs
[13:53] <Shurakai> but, I'm not 100% sure of the rules in animeMooch and warezEternal
[13:53] <Shurakai> so, could you just put the timer at 20+ minutes instead of 6 minutes.
[13:58] <ThunderBird> man
[13:58] <ThunderBird> are you kidding
[13:59] <ThunderBird> you act like your in the world
[13:59] <Shurakai> How many channels have you been in that everyone who wants something just puts up a request ad?
[13:59] <ThunderBird> these servers don't matter rules are meaningless, someone wants a game...OH MY GOD!!! 6 whole minutes huh what's the big deal jesus christ get a life
[13:59] <ThunderBird> who cares if everyone has an ad
[13:59] <ThunderBird> it would be better
[14:00] <ThunderBird> people would get more files swapped
[14:00] <ThunderBird> isn't that the entire point?
[14:00] <ThunderBird> is there some greater purpose of mIRC than to just get things free
[14:00] <Shurakai> It's annoying to see that ad appear so often.
[14:00] <Shurakai> the purpose of IRC is to chat.
[14:00] <ThunderBird> often?6 minutes?
[14:00] <Shurakai> it just so hapens people use it for file transfer as well.
[14:00] <Shurakai> 6 minutes is often
[14:01] <ThunderBird> besides you just stare at your screen all day anyway? if every six minutes is often then damn need a social life
[14:01] <ThunderBird> people always msging me saying
[14:01] <ThunderBird> your not following hte rules
[14:01] <Shurakai> that's nice, please follow the channel rules
[14:01] <ThunderBird> your this your that
[14:01] <ThunderBird> blah blah blah
[14:01] <ThunderBird> you guys are gay
[14:01] <Shurakai> then just place your ad at the min time
[14:01] <ThunderBird> GET A LIFE
[14:01] <Shurakai> and nobody would bother you
[14:01] <Shurakai> you're one to talk
[14:02] <Shurakai> I don't want any games
[14:02] <Shurakai> I have no interest in them
[14:02] <Shurakai> but since you want them
[14:02] <Shurakai> search the fservs
[14:02] <Shurakai> instead of just sitting there asking and expecting everyone to jump at your request
[14:02] <ThunderBird> that's great, all your interest is to enforce the ever present danger that is corrupting the mIRC CHANNELS!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK
[14:02] <Shurakai> get it straight, it's calle IRC
[14:03] <Shurakai> mIRC is an IRC client.
[14:03] <ThunderBird> jesus christ
[14:03] <ThunderBird> your diluted
[14:03] <Shurakai> Follow the rules or they will be enforced.
[14:03] <ThunderBird> damn man, you'll realize how lame that sounds someday
[14:03] <ThunderBird> everyone in this fucking place is breakin the law
[14:03] <Shurakai> That they are.
[14:03] <ThunderBird> sending shit back and forth for no cost
[14:04] <ThunderBird> and you come and say to set my ad to 20 minutes?
[14:04] <Shurakai> but that's not the issue at hand
[14:04] <ThunderBird> i'ld never get anything that way
[14:04] <Shurakai> if you searched the fservs actively you'll find what you want.
[14:04] <ThunderBird> the issue at hand is that i've got things to do, and i don't have time to surf fserves
[14:05] <ThunderBird> this is the only way for me because i have a life outside of "IRC" ok! give people a damn break just over look the msg
[14:05] <Shurakai> then place your ads at longer intervals (ie. 20 minutes) and you won't be hassled
[14:05] <ThunderBird> i mean look how much time you've spent arguing with me
[14:05] <ThunderBird> it's rediculous
[14:05] <Shurakai> Yes, I could easily have kicked you.
[14:05] <Shurakai> but I figured it'd be nicer to ask you to change your ad interval.
[14:05] <ThunderBird> 20 fucking minute interval
[14:05] <ThunderBird> that's ludicrus
[14:06] <Shurakai> no
[14:06] <Shurakai> that's considerate
[14:06] <ThunderBird> LUDICRUS
[14:06] <ThunderBird> nah
[14:06] <ThunderBird> it's insaine
[14:06] <ThunderBird> that's what it is
[14:06] <Shurakai> If everyone did it, the channel would be flooded.
[14:06] <Shurakai> Imagine a channel of 400 people (ie, dalnet)
[14:06] <Shurakai> if everyone set of a request timer at 6min intervals
[14:06] <Shurakai> there would be massive flooding.
[14:07] <ThunderBird> 8(_ _ _ _ _ boo hoo, hey there are never 4 hundred people in a channel and a quarter of them are operators
[14:07] <ThunderBird> and the channel would not be flooded
[14:07] <ThunderBird> one would be goin off like ever 20 seconds
[14:07] <ThunderBird> that's not bad
[14:07] <Shurakai> And you're assuming that ops don't place request ads.
[14:07] <ThunderBird> and that's if every mother fucker in the channel had it going
[14:07] <Shurakai> anyways, I'm asking you once more to place your ad at 20+ minutes.
[14:07] <ThunderBird> that's right i am assuming and if they did
[14:07] <ThunderBird> it owuldn't matter
[14:08] <ThunderBird> ok
[14:08] <ThunderBird> in what channel
[14:08] <Shurakai> animeMooch, warezEternal
[14:09] <ThunderBird> how bout that shit
[14:09] <Shurakai> easily solved.
[14:09] <ThunderBird> how you like that shit
[14:10] <ThunderBird> you girl problem isn't easily solved ya pastey needle dick mother fucker
[14:10] <ThunderBird> how you like that shit
[14:11] (%) /whois list for: ThunderBird
[14:11] (%) Address: (Internic Network)
[14:11] (%) Name: 54 Script 2000
[14:11] (%) Channels: #Counter-Strike #movieworld #warez-unlimited
[14:11] (%) Server:, ROCKON NEWYORK CITY !!!!!
[14:11] (%) End of /whois list for: ThunderBird
[14:12] <Shurakai> anyways, I'm off. Come back some other day when you plan to follow simple rules.
[14:14] <ThunderBird> hey
[14:14] <ThunderBird> suck my dick
[14:14] <ThunderBird> ya nerdy bitch
[14:14] <Shurakai> that's nice
[18:07] (ERROR) No such nick/channel: ThunderBird
[18:07] (%) End of /whois list for: ThunderBird
[18:07] -> *nickserv* info thunderbird
[18:07] -NickServ- Nick thunderbird isn't registered.
Session Time: Thu Apr 26 00:00:01 2001
[14:59] (ERROR) No such nick/channel: ThunderBird
[14:59] (%) End of /whois list for: ThunderBird
(ERROR) No such nick/channel: ThunderBird
(%) End of /whois list for: ThunderBird
(ERROR) No such nick/channel: ThunderBird
(%) End of /whois list for: ThunderBird
Session Time: Fri Apr 27 00:00:00 2001
Session Close: Fri Apr 27 03:14:03 2001
Session Start: Fri Jul 20 16:53:51 2001
<Shurakai> there's actually a master of orion III?
<Shurakai> err.. didn't mean to type that again
<Shurakai> on a side note, you're not too bright. I kicked you for requesting in a chan w/out serving and spent a good half hour explaining the reasons why you're not to request. If you join any channel that I am in, where I am an op and request without serving again you will be permanently banned.
(%) /whois list for: ThunderBird
(%) Address: (Internic Network)
(%) Name: 54 Script 2000
(%) Channels: #divx #movieplanet #Dreamwarez #moviecenter #movies #bandwidth #vcdz-gamez #vcd! #iso-land #WareZWorlD #infatech
(%) Server:,
(%) End of /whois list for: thunderbird
Session Time: Sat Jul 21 00:00:00 2001