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Sometime after Krillin fired me for the fourth time I realised that I wasn't getting paid since the beginning.

For the most recent spa--conformation emails that were sent out Krillin enlisted the power of the dragon balls and forced xenokite to send them out. Again by using the word forced I mean it was asked of me and I agreed. I think he sends out one massive email and waits for the replies, cuz it took me three days to do it. I tried to make them personal and not seem like spam so much. After using 0.1% of my gmail I realised I should be conservative and do a mass one if I get to do it again.

I sent out a lot of emails but only got replies back mostly from the ones that I didn't expect to get any back. I'm still waiting on some of the regs that are IN the channel to reply back. Maybe next time I won't make the subject 'hey sexy, i got a new digi-cam 3i3y8y'. Mostly this was just to make sure that the contact info we had for people was still valid so no one can say 'i didnt know where mooch was'. A couple people said that when they replied but they were pointed in the right direction and hopefully will remain. Also sign up for the forums and have your current email as the default and people can msg you without actually knowing your email. Now that sounds like a spamtastic idea.

Most of the people that replied back are busy doing day to day things such as working, school, traveling and like most people just being broke and not having the money to do it anymore or wanting to. If anyone is curious about a specific person then just ask an op as they should know.

Well my jokes failed this time and I plan to have them checked out. Really expensive to get a doctor to look at them cuz if I go outside the network the rates are insane. (yeah the mooch health insurance sucks)

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