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don't worry we are not making a movie out of it, ...until the offers are final..

| #animemooch @ |

This history was compiled by various members of the #Animemooch staff. Sit back and take a look at what made 'Mooch the channel it is today.

It all began sometime in late 1999...

.:Birth of a channel:.

#AnimeMooch wasn't always the mooch channel it is now. Originally it was #dbzanime run by Krillin (and some friends who are no longer with us) on a totally different network called Infatech. Around this time Krillin recruited Driusan from another channel to help serve in his new channel (despite a lack of any dbz on his fserve.) The channel was short lived before an ircop closed it on the grounds of spamming and thus #Anime&More was born on the
same network.

It was a short lived channel due to a merger with a larger channel to make a "united" anime channel and all the old ops of #Anime&More got screwed. The problem was that that idea was just an excuse for an egomaniac kid to take
control of all of the anime channels. The egomaniac in question went by the name of Ryp. He and his IRCOp friend Koola (who incidently owned the 1st incarnation of #DBZAnime on another totally different network) set things into motion to overthrow the owner of the then largest and best anime channel, #Animenation. They secretly contacted the owners of all of the major anime channels on the network (including #Anime&more somehow). In these secret meetings Ryp explained how he invisioned all the anime servers in one massive channel. The idea was great, but Ryp wanted to be the dictator of this oppressive anime regime. Many of the owners, including Krillin, agreed to be superops in the new channel called #Animelegends. But Krillin was smart enough to see what was coming, so he set up shop on another network just in case his fears came true. They did. So #Anime&More moved to the Insiderz network. #Animenation was taken over with the help of the IRCOp can forced closed. Everyone was herded like sheep to #Animelegends. For a week all looked good, then Ryp struck. He removed the op status from everyone who wasn't part of his personal entourage. Everyone was screwed. Making new channels was pointless since now Ryp was an IRCOp. But, Krillin, Driusan, and a few others didn't have to worry about that anymore. In case you are wondering what happened to Ryp, the network basically died slowly and horribly after his takeover. He moved his channel to IRCHighway and it still resides there weak and meager... nothing like what Ryp thought he would create for himself. And now you know the reason behind #AnimeMooch. We do not put up with egotistical ignorant halfwits who want to control everything. This includes the current digital fan sub scene. Now back to the history of #AnimeMooch.

.: The beginning... :.

#Anime&More was alive and well, but Krillin wanted a different name, hence #AnimeMooch was born. With it's formation Driusan began running #AnimeMooch's triviabot. The bot was soon modified to be a huge dick to anyone who dared play and became a distinctive trait of #AnimeMooch. The only other anime channel on the network at the time was a small 5-10 people channel (#animeguild, for the curious) run by Shurakai, a name recognized from the days of the other network, Infatech. He had nothing to do with the #Anime&More on Infatech, but was instrumental in helping launch #AnimeMooch. Not to step on each others toes #AnimeMooch became sister channels with #Animeguild. After a short period Shurakai , Driusan, and Krillin thought it would be better to consolidate the members of each channel into one. #Animeguild was absorbed into #AnimeMooch. Shurakai had already picked up KingKinn, our first anime girl (always needed in any anime channel). And Driusan got his EFNet cohort Figbash to idle in the channel just to help the numbers. Fig, Driu, and Shura, and Kinny-chan brought a certain humor to the channel that attracted the new mooches and kept them around for insults and laughs. xSMOKEx got his friend Wurstor (aka MacGyver) to join the crew. Eventually `Mooch grew to a nice sized channel of around 40-45 people. Not bad for a fledgling channel on a small network. Along the way `Mooch picked up sentinel, FrappeTheStampede, Ghostfoxx, slk11 through Shurakai, and JustDandy via random anime searches for DBZ. But another problem was on the horizon. The Insiderz network came under attack from packeteers. `Mooch started to lose people due to the fact that their downloads couldn't be completed. Strict spamming/flooding policies were enforced by Insiderz which eventually led to Driusan being KLined for his Triviabot. So the search was on for a new network to save our beloved channel. Krillin and Driusan went on the hunt. After a while, they came across NitroNet.

.: Nitronet and the ascension of #AnimeMooch :.

Nitronet was a nice sized network with a good diversity of Moviez, Warez, and Isoz channels. There was also another anime channel already there with 20 or so people in it. But, the move had to be made. So `Mooch secretly moved in and then exploded on the scene. Our numbers decreased due to the move, but picked back up with new friends and leechers and we quickly overcame the competition. We even got our first dump from a Moocher by the name of Darbosama. #AnimeMooch grew to the size of 60 people for one brief night and then bad luck struck the channel once again. Packet kiddies had found Nitronet and all it's warez channels and began their assault. Then KingKinn and Frappe moved on with their own things. Shurakai's motherboard blew up and he was out of commission. It was looking bleak. `Mooch went down to around 15 people for a few weeks. The dedicated people had left us and the leechers were finishing up getting what they wanted and were moving on.

.: Zerolimit... zero growth :.

Seeing the troubles with Nitronet escalate Krillin proposed an idea to the ops. The idea was to make "satellite" or backup channels in case of the loss of the main channel. These channels also have another purpose, to help bring in new people to #AnimeMooch. After some searching the ops decided on Zerolimit as a nice place for a backup channel. Not much came of the Zerolimit 'Mooch. The only noteworthy accomplishment that channel did was introduce us and welcome in Frphoenix, Joshikousei, and PenPen to the #AnimeMooch crew. JustDandy, The_System also found #AnimeMooch on Nitronet and soon started serving. PenPen became #AnimeMooch's second dump and actually functioned properly and for a decent length of time. But as luck would have it Nitronet received it's final DDOS attack. But an unbelievable coincidence happened. Zerolimit was taken out at the SAME TIME. This virtually ruined #AnimeMooch. Any and all leechers were lost. Only the core members where able to keep in contact. We did the only thing we could come up with at such a short notice. And that was to return to our birthplace, Insiderz.

.: The return to Insiderz :.

The core group of #AnimeMooch finally got back together on Insiderz and the channel liked its wounds from a double server KO. New people were needed and current people couldn't be lost. We still had our dump to entice new file servers. But Insiderz wasn't fully revived from it's previous battle with DDOS kiddies. Zerolimit had reopened but no one in the 'Mooch core wanted to go back. We got the leechers we had there back with us on Insiderz. Nitronet was a lost cause. The moochers their were gone almost forever. Luckily some of the ops got their stuff on Aniverse which at this time had finally attracted a good share of the fansub channels from Enterthegame and Dalnet. Certain 'Mooch ops were able to attract new blood to teh #Animemooch cause. And members like Rob7713, mattnbel, Crandor, xenokite, ddr (and ddr`g), Fancy, timbot, and kaiserdragon joined the fold. #AnimeMooch was growing again. It was still a shadow of it's former self since there were basically no leechers in the channel only ops who sharing their newly mooched booty. Then Christmas time came. Frappethestampede made his holiday return and Kingkinn returned. It was good times in the ole Mooch. But as history has proven, bad luck follows the channel like the plague. Since it was the holidays that meant packet kiddies were home with nothing to do. They again set their sights on Insiderz and attacked. All was lost. We had no where to call home again. A makeshift camp was setup on Aniverse, but it was decided that we couldn't enjoy ourselves on a network that was quickly becoming a breeding ground of "Ryps". So Krillin set off again and found a totally new network made only for TV series and cartoons, but had no anime.

.: Atomicchat, the longest home yet :.

Krillin, Shurakai, Driusan, and Figbash talked the new members into helping start a branch on Atomiccchat. The ops were gathered and the voting took place. Atomicchat would be our new home. Atomicchat is not a major hub for people coming and going so picking up new people had become a futile gesture. The Aniverse chapter of #AnimeMooch was left open and ownership was passed on to Rob7713. Eventually Aniverse was attacked, but not destroyed. Many of the larger channels moved to MircX. Again a satellite channel was founded to try and get new people. The leadership of this channel too was soon passed on to Rob7713. We lost xSMOKEx to work and a LIFE. Almost all of the first-ops had to spend more time at college and work thus leaving less time to spend on the channel. #AnimeMooch turned into more or less a chat channel rather then a place to get anime. Time rolled on. Promotions were given. The_System and JustDandy were given their ops after long dedication to the channel. Not long after they abused this priveledge by having op wars and opressing the younger members such as DJDevlin and Inu-chan. The op status was taken away by Krillin (the only time so far in Mooch history). Eventually the ops were returned and no problems came of it. Over the course of a year more anime channels have sprung up on atomicchat. None of them large. All of them related to each other. A perfect opportunity awaits if all of the channels merge either with or without animemooch as it would pool all the anime resources into one channel.
Alas the inevitable came AGAIN and we were forced to move to another network. This time because talks were already under way about the stale atmosphere and no growth on the Atomicchat network along with the insurgence of Warez groups. Well xSmokex decided to put in the topic our feelings on the matter. And low and behold an asshole IRCOp appeared out of nowhere and banned us all from our op channel. He also banned xSmokex and his entire ISP from the network. Well that was the straw that broke the camel's back. Krillin already had a backup channel registered on Cybertonium and the move was made there until the future could be decided. If you wish to know what exactly happened to end our stint on Atomicchat check out the logs on our website (www,

.: A sudden move to Cybertonium :.

To this day Cybertonium has been the home of the current #AnimeMooch crew. We like it, and it hasnt sucked. Every day we move on with more and more users. What's in the future of `Mooch? Who knows. But it looks like it will only get even better! WOOT.


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