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Well here is the real story in case any missed it.

After having a few good days the darkness showed up, in various forms throughout a course of 5 hours or so. Usually when I come home I relax and just chill in front of my computer until I tucker out. One thing I normally do is invest time one way or another in animemooch, whether it's site related, Chii related, mooching related, or channel related. But as of Wednesday I was banned from Cybertonium. So much for the chilling. It added to the dogpile of a day I was having. Here is what it said when I tried to connect:

Closing Link: xenokite[tel244144.columbus.rr.com] (User has been banned from Cybertonium (User- AM|Chii Reason - Advertising outside networks "a-m FullName: A-M Channel: #A-M Server: irc.rizon.net" These are the rules it was pure spam 30 day ban (standard punishment)))

Earlier that day I was working on a script and I didn't even think anything of it. It's spam. All I wanted to do was have a script to help people find out what the lil letters at the end of their fansub files were. The only thing you would have to do is type !fsi fansubgroup and if it had enough info it would return the name in its entirety, the channel the group resides in, the server they're on, their website and I was going to include a link to Envirosphere's Group Release page. Since Cybertonium has been having problems with people from other networks spamming, they took it as me doing what they are trying to stop people from doing. Spamming. I understand why it happened. I understand and agree with why they do that. I understand why bans are handed out for it. But right after the ban I didn't know too much other than I wouldn't be allowed back for 30 days.

I did the only thing I could think of atm and posted on our forum. Good thing System got us one! Came in real handy. Although I do have a current copy of the contact list. Eventually I went to bed and the next day I posted this at the Cybertonium Forum:

First off, I would like to apologize for what I did.
Secondly I would like the reader(s) to not take anything I type in offense.

I would like to ask that my ban be lifted.
My nick is normally xenokite.
My bots name is AM|Chii.

Chii is #animemooch 's Channel Helping Information Index. So I try to make Chii 'informative'. Chii's most informative part is an anime info part that gives you details about a particular series of anime. From episode count to US Distrubutors.
I've dabbled in a little bit of scripting and thought it would be nice if something similar was done for fansub groups. Guess I didn't think that through. Or didn't pay enough attention. Because my bot, +B and all, along with a fansub info resource ended up getting me banned for spamming.
All I wanted was for people to be able to track down who made their fansub. Sure people can look on the web, but a script could give you the info faster and on an IRC channel. It gave #animemooch an edge that other chans didn't have and made Chii more informative. But a lot of fansubbers are from a network that the admins hate and/or have been truly spammed from.
I'm not sure if there is a work-a-round for my fansub info script, but if you guys are willing to lift this ban than I will be willing to make Chii a lil less informative by unloading the script.

I think Cybertonium is great, our AM Ops like it, #animemooch is comfy here. I don't think AM would move because I got banned. Personally I think our founders and other staff members are pist at me cuz I caused a problem.

Hope that explains my side. The rest is up to you guys.

Before, during and after the post I seen Krillin in 'that am chan i regged' and he didn't say much to me. Other than KingKinn and possibly System I didn't think(or started to feel) that maybe my return if the ban was lifted would be welcomed or wanted.

I dragged my ass into work thinking that I was going to be fired when I got there and thinking about other poop that happened the days before. Blah blah blah, this is getting long. When I came home the ban had been lifted. Not sure if it was from my post on the Cybertonium Forum or from Krillin.

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| xenokite |