Some 'advanced' functions.
Most Fserves use these, but these were taken from a SysReset Fserve.
Commands: cd, clr_queue, clr_queues, dir, exit, get, help, ls, queues, quit, sends, stats, who
cd |
This will change the driectory path forward. |
cd.. |
This will back you out of a directory. |
clr_queue |
Usually you have to add a queue number to it. Will delete a queue. |
clr_queues |
Will clear all queues you have on that fserve. |
dir |
Will list files and folders. Use for each time you change directories. |
exit |
Will close the dcc window. |
get |
If included with a fullfilename.filetype then it will queue or send it. |
help |
Will give you a list of commands and how they are used. Similar to this. |
ls |
Will do a 'wide' listing of files. |
queues |
Will show what all has been queued by you and others. |
quit |
Will also close the dcc send. |
sends |
Will display any and all sends the fserve is currently transferring. |
stats |
Will show you all sorts of statistics. Self-explainatory. |
who |
Will show other users currently on the fserve. |
say |
If users are on a Fserve then it will talk to them. |
As you come across different fserves, you will come across different fserve commands. Just read and test. It will become second nature soon enough If not you can always find an fserve browser that you just click around on.